Template for Confirmat + dowel

This template also comes with "Drilling package". That is, two holes are exposed at once, the first one is for confirmation and a dowel is attached to it with a "step" - 32mm.
Separately, we select the sides of drilling holes with Front / Back or End face of the part.
In drilling with Front / Back, fill in all the necessary values (Snap to side and corner, number of holes on the side, etc.).
Indent - set the distance to the first hole (Confirm) and automatically the program adds a second hole for the dowel after 32 mm. after confirmation.
In the drillings at the end of the part, similarly fill in the values Snap to side and corner, the number of holes on the side. Indent - set the distance to the first hole (Confirm) and automatically the program adds a second hole for the dowel after 32mm. after confirmation.