"status": "ok",
"error": "",
"data": {
"count": 1,
"data": [
"goods_stock_id": "1", Unique balance number (will be on labels, in the admin panel, invoice for raw materials)
"goods": "15854", - unique product id in the iFurn.pro system
"order": "1872", an order for which the stock balance is reserved
"group_of_production": null, The task for production, for which the balance was capitalized
"order_in": null, order for which the balance was credited to the warehouse
"firm": "1",your company ID
"code1c": null, Ваш код материала
"x": "200", residue width in mm
"y": "200", высота остатка
"in": "1", in stock, 0 out of stock
"foSale": null, 1 -if reserved for sale without cutting
"user_in": { Data of the user who credited the balance to the warehouse in the admin panel
"user_id": "1",
"name": "Иванов",
"phone": "3809311117351",
"active": "1"
"worker_in": null, Data of the employee (warehouse, production) who entered the balance на q.ifurn.pro
"date_in": "2021-02-25 16:02:54", date and time of arrival
"user_out": null, the user who wrote off the balance in the admin panel
"worker_out": null,warehouse, production worker who wrote off the balance to q.ifurn.pro
"date_out": null,date and time of withdrawal
"count": "45", number of residues
"units": "1", residue unit code (for a list, see article numbers)
"count_free": null, количество свободного остатка
"count_reserve": null,number of reserved balances
"count_packed": null, amount of packed leftovers
"count_production": null, number of residues in production
"count_order": null,quantity in order
"d_update": "2021-03-12 13:00:59", database update time