Остатки Клиента и Компании

The floppy icon will open an additional menu:
The balances of the Client are the balances transferred by the Client to the Company for safekeeping. Often these are leftovers from a previous Order.
If you click the "Add" button, the material will be added to the project.
Non-whole balances of the Company - balances that are smaller in size than the dimensions of the original sheet.
The rest are grouped by material. You can see what pieces are in each material. If you click the "Add" button, the material will be added to the project.
When adding material to the project, the system automatically pulls up the balances of both the Client and the Company.
The Client's balances are not taken into account when calculating the invoice. In case of a sheet sale, the balances of the Company are considered according to their size. If the Client needs to buy 2 parts that will fit on a piece of 1000*1000, the system will consider the sale of only this piece.