user guide

Data parametricity

If there is a sign next to the input field
This means that when you enter a value in a field, you can enter variables. For example: x1-50. The system uses a value equal to the length of the part in the overall dimension minus 50 mm.
Variables that can be used in the calculation:
• x - dimension of the part along the X axis according to the saw (before joining and edging) size
• x1 – detail dimension along the X axis according to the overall (after edging) size
• y – detail dimension along the Y axis according to the saw (before joining and edging) size
• y1 – overall dimension of the part along the Y axis according to the overall (after edging) size
• z - dimension of the part along the Z axis
• detail.b_band_thikness – thickness of the bottom edge of the part
• detail.l_band_thikness – thickness of the left edge of the part
• detail.r_band_thikness – thickness of the right edge of the part
• detail.t_band_thikness – thickness of the top edge of the part
• detail.b_band_pre_joint – prejoint thickness for the bottom edge of the part
• detail.l_band_pre_joint – prejoint thickness for the left edge of the part
• detail.r_band_pre_joint – prejoint thickness for the right edge of the part
• detail.t_band_pre_joint – prejoint thickness for the top edge of the part
• detail.small_side – overall length of the shorter side of the part. If the sides are equal, then the length of the side is X.
• detail.big_side -- overall length of the longer side of the part. If the sides are equal, then the length of the side is X.
When building templates, you can also refer to template variables.